Monday, February 8, 2010

The trouble with ski poles

Yesterday, I thought I was going to have to treat myself today, not sure how I can reach the side of my hip very easily. Dale, my husband and friends Rick and Anita were busting up when I got my pole stuck under my ski while I was standing still and toppled over onto my hip with my head down hill on a slight grade. OUCH!! Good thing I wear a helmet. So, the moral of the story is do not step on the basket of your ski pole while standing still and try to move downhill. How I can treat my bruised hip is another story for a physical therapist that does lots of manual therapy.


Barbara said...

Hey! So you were sitting with my sister in Idaho, huh? Fun! Well, let me be the second one to follow you, then! Welcome to blogland. I think you must be new, as Sarah is all alone up there in the followers. But your expertise is certainly interesting to me. And I have, by the way, definitely stepped on the basket of my ski pole while trying to move, and falling that way is hilarious to everyone but you as you lie like an upended turtle, trying to stand. As I recall, I plaintively squeaked "Help," as people passed me by. Only later did I realize it would be wise to roll over to put my skis on the downhill side of me. But hey, I was tired!

Anonymous said...

Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

A Palmer said...

I can relate. I took my first snowboarding lesson in January. I'm still recovering! But it was worth it! Thanks for joining my Blog!!! You must know my sister since you are in Coeur d'Alene!